Customer insights
part 2 of 3
New data sources and analytical capabilities are driving marketing innovation and improving customer service. Used correctly, these new developments can offer a real win-win for businesses and their customers. In our ‘Customer insights’ blogs, we uncover how customer insight and data strategies drive positive change.
Here we explore the role of empathy and knowledge in continued business success. And why your senior executives need to be able to relate to your customers.
Why customer empathy and knowledge
equals business success
Does your Chief Executive know what it’s like to walk in your customers’ shoes? If not, it’s your job to make sure they do. Senior leaders need to understand the lives and needs of your customers. Without these insights, it’s impossible for leaders to make the right decisions and take the right actions.

Photo courtesy of Lloyds Bank
A newly launched Group Customer Portal enables senior leaders at Lloyds Bank to empathize with customers. It gives the bank’s senior managers insight into the lives of their customers. The portal combines multiple data sources, including CRM systems, focus groups and c-sat surveys. Such initiatives encourage a culture of customer understanding and empathy.
Real-time insights and feedback
In a similar vein, SABMiller has created a Global Digital Reporting Platform. This online system reports the impact of digital marketing spend in near real time. It enables SABMiller to track the effectiveness of its investments and obtain immediate feedback. They can take corrective action where needed and drive ROI across brands and campaigns. In this way, customer knowledge can be used to drive continued business success.
A 360-degree perspective on your customers
Online dashboards can provide an effective knowledge hub for everyone in your organization. Metrics can be collated from various enterprise systems and external sources and visualized centrally. At MetrixLab our intuitive dashboards provide a 360-degree perspective on your customers. Our philosophy is to harness technology so you can disseminate insights throughout your organization, enabling you to be more customer centric. By making the resulting intelligence accessible to everyone, you are best placed to meet customer needs.

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